Även titeln är väldigt viktig för bilden (2014)

Solo exhibition at Galleri Mors Mössa. (23rd of August to 14th of September, 2014)

The exhibition as a whole was a personal reflection upon working in a contemporary photographic context. The idea was to play with different expressions and to activate the viewer: from the projection in the inner room, with a flickering color noise on a large folded sheet of paper, to the small non digitized images which one had to be very close to see and even to the swedish quite odd title of the show, which points at some reasoning going on, by someone – maybe me.

Subtile clues led to the thoughts behind the show: The grey box is painted in NCS-4000, the folded sheet of paper is a studio back drop and the Xerox-copy contains the example-sentence for the word analogue.